Friday, 13 May 2011

Bog Blog - Super Street Fighter II Revival

I bought Super Street Fighter II Turbo: Revival for the GBA in October last year and am ashamed to say that I have only just got around to playing it!  I picked it up on EBay for a bargain 99p for the Cart only, no box or Instructions.

Wow, what a game.  This release is a beautiful rendition of the ordinal Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo from the 80’s.  The artwork of the fighters in the title screens are gorgeous, my favourite from all the Street Fighter releases, and I thought these would be taken through to the game but I was wrong.  The game itself is an amazing replication of the original game as I remember it.

I must admit, I am not the best Street Fighter gamer; I can only play Chun lI or E Honda, that’s mainly because of their cheapness. I have never been any good at following through special moves on Street Fighter (or any fighting game for that matter) but the cheapness of Chun Li’s Lightning Kick and Honda’s Hundred Hand Slap make it very easy for me.  In this version Honda is even cheaper as he can move whilst pulling off the Hundred Hand Slap, a feature that I miss from most other versions of Street Fighter.....  I have never really got the hang of any other characters; I guess I haven’t given them enough time.  In order to complete the game with all characters I tend to play through with Chun Li or Honda and then die in the last stage and swap for another character and struggle through the fights.

This is a perfect bog break game as you can make it last as long or short as you like.  Change the settings to easy and 1 round per fight and you can clear the stages quickly and vice versa.  I played on level 5 with Turbo 3 and one round per fight and cleared full stages in well less than 5 minutes.

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